Tuesday, March 23, 2010

9th Grade Spring Break Assignment

  1. Read both articles on the N-Word provided to you in class.
  2. Write a two-paragraph summary of both articles (one paragraph per article) 10 pts.
  3. Conduct an interview of an adult 35 years or older where you ask the questions below.
  4. Record their answers.Type your final interview. Italicize the questions and use regular font for the responses. 80 pts
A. Do you use the n-word? When? Where? Amongst what group?
B. What do you know about the history of the n-word?
C. Do you find the use of the word offensive? Why or why not?
D. Do you agree or disagree that the spelling and pronunciation of the word can change the meaning? Explain.
E. What group of people are allowed or not allowed to use the n-word? Why?
F. Should Americans of all ages and races refrain from using this word? Why or why not?
G.Would you support censorship on the use of the word in public TV, radio and newspaper? Why or why not?
H. Can this word ever be used as a positive term of endearment? Why or why not?


5. Include a cover page with this set of instructions, yours and your parents' signatures.

________________________ _____________________________

Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature (5 pts)

I understand the assignment listed above and promise to work to the best of my ability and actively seek out help when needed in order to achieve an 85 or higher as prescribed by the rubric assigned to this paper. Consequently, I understand I risk a failing grade if I do not try, submit my work late and do not include this assignment sheet. .

_________________________ _____________________

Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature (5 pts.)

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