Monday, March 29, 2010


For those interested in extra credit, watch the following roundtable discussion and then write a 2-page MLA analysis which answers the following:

A. Who was your favorite speaker and why? Is such a forum needed?

B. Do you agree with the points brought up? Which do you disagree with? Why?

C. How do you think this will affect you, your community and the country?

D. What can/will you do to make sure this debate was not in vain?

E. Identify and verify one relevant fact you heard from a speaker.

F. What role do you think youth like yourself play in holding the government accountable?

G. Do you agree or disagree with the assertion that until America addresses the central obstacles facing Black Americans it will not live up to its principles of democracy?


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

11th Grade Spring Break Assignment

I. 50 pts.
  1. Complete your reading of Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
  2. For each chapter in Part II:
  • Write a one page summary in a composition notebook
  • Identify new characters and three qualities of each character
  • Ask at least one critical question per chapter of Part II of the text.
  • Write a personal response to the ending, providing your own interpretation and answering why you think Morrison chooses to close the narrative this way
II. 50 pts.
This must be typed, completed with serious thought and include references to the text.
After your reading, complete an Epic Analysis that defines and then identifies the following as they pertain to this specific novel:
  1. in medias ras - what does the novel open in the middle of and why is it significant?
  2. invocation - is there one? who makes it? what is she requesting?
  3. epic hero - who is it? why is he it? what qualities identify him as such?
  4. heroic quest - what is the hero's quest? to whom is it of importance? why?
  5. epic conflict - identify two major conflicts that stand as obstacles to the epic hero's quest.
  6. divine intervention - when does this occur? how does it affect the hero's quest?
  7. antithesis - where are there examples of characters, belief systems, cultures that are antithetical?

Include this cover page with this set of instructions, yours and your parents' signatures by copying and pasting this into a Word Document.

________________________ _____________________________

Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature (5 pts)

I understand the assignment listed above and promise to work to the best of my ability and actively seek out help when needed in order to achieve an 85 or higher as prescribed by the rubric assigned to this paper. Consequently, I understand I risk a failing grade if I do not try, submit my work late and do not include this assignment sheet. .

_________________________ _____________________

Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature (5 pts.)

9th Grade Spring Break Assignment

  1. Read both articles on the N-Word provided to you in class.
  2. Write a two-paragraph summary of both articles (one paragraph per article) 10 pts.
  3. Conduct an interview of an adult 35 years or older where you ask the questions below.
  4. Record their answers.Type your final interview. Italicize the questions and use regular font for the responses. 80 pts
A. Do you use the n-word? When? Where? Amongst what group?
B. What do you know about the history of the n-word?
C. Do you find the use of the word offensive? Why or why not?
D. Do you agree or disagree that the spelling and pronunciation of the word can change the meaning? Explain.
E. What group of people are allowed or not allowed to use the n-word? Why?
F. Should Americans of all ages and races refrain from using this word? Why or why not?
G.Would you support censorship on the use of the word in public TV, radio and newspaper? Why or why not?
H. Can this word ever be used as a positive term of endearment? Why or why not?


5. Include a cover page with this set of instructions, yours and your parents' signatures.

________________________ _____________________________

Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature (5 pts)

I understand the assignment listed above and promise to work to the best of my ability and actively seek out help when needed in order to achieve an 85 or higher as prescribed by the rubric assigned to this paper. Consequently, I understand I risk a failing grade if I do not try, submit my work late and do not include this assignment sheet. .

_________________________ _____________________

Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature (5 pts.)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mastery Learning –

Parents and Students, below you will find a series of assignment designed to challenge and aid students who wish to prove mastery of a particular skill taught in class. Students must meet with me to approve the execution of all assignments. All points will be added on to marking period grades. No assignments will be accepted after the given due date.

  • Review subject-verb agreement. Compose a list of 20 examples of sentences that have subject-verb disagreement. Your list can be generated from pop songs, newspaper/magazine articles or conversations you overhear. Type your list and provide the correction beneath as well as a rationale explaining why it should be corrected. Due May 31 (2 pts.)

  • Watch at least one film version or documentary on any one of the summer reading titles. Compose a 3-4 page MLA formatted paper comparing the film to the movie. Note changes and analyze why you think there is a divergence between book and film. Refer to the MLA Packet provided. Due May 31 (2 pts.)

  • Review metaphors and similes. Define both figure of speeches, provide the etymological root of each, and locate 10 examples of each from poems, pop songs, short stories, ads, newspaper or magazine articles. You must include the sources and prove a rationale of what is being compared to what and your opinion of whether it is an effective comparison. Due May 31 (2 pts.)

  • Write a critical lens essay in which you discuss two (2) works of literature from the perspective of one of the statements provided in the list of Critical Lens (see me to retrieve a copy). In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the statement, agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references to appropriate literary elements from the two works. Use sophisticated language that respects your audience and follow the rules of standard English. Refer to the ELA Rubric and visit Due May 31 (2 pts)
  • Write a 3-page MLA formatted essay that compares and contrasts Gilgamesh and Enkidu of the epic poem Gilgamesh with Lennie and George of the novella Of Mice and Men. Identify key differences, similarities between characters, setting, themes and narrative structure. Due May 31 (2 pts)

  • Complete a typed, 3-page literary essay of a book you have read independently. You will discuss the book using the following literary terms: plot, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, conflict, theme, characterization, irony, dialogue and symbols. Use of vocabulary from class is essential.
    Due May 31 (2 pts.)
  • Complete a typed, 2-page book review of a book you have read independently. Imagine your review will be published for a wide audience to read. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the characters and the book. What could have made the book a better read? Would you recommend it to anyone? Why or why not? You can choose from a book in our library with my approval. Due May 31 (2 pts.)
  • Build a diorama for a key scene from any work of literature we have read in class. The diorama must be 3-Dimensional, self-supporting and self-explanatory. Include a 2-paragraph explanation of why this scene is important to the story. Due May 31 (2 pts.)
  • Deliver a monologue of more than 25 lines from a character in a work of literature we have read in class or from a famous speech of more than 30 lines.
  • Due May 31 (2 pts.)
    Compose a series of songs, raps or poems that are inspired by a work of literature read in class and then read or perform them. Use of authentic dialogue as related to the text as well as depth of thought in the assignment is required. Due May 31 (2 pts.)

Friday, March 12, 2010


  1. Visit the website
  2. Read both sides of the debate on whether head coverings should be banned.
  3. Consider our debate in class and then write a argumentative essay of 4 paragraphs.
  4. Choose one side of the topic but be sure to counterattack any oppositional arguments.
  5. This must be typed in MLA style and submitted on Friday, March 19, 2010
  6. It is worth 2 homework grades and 1 essay grade.