Wednesday, April 28, 2010

An Assignment of Mercy for 11th Graders Only!

The following assignments are a form of mercy, which is, of course, a central theme in the novel, Song of Solomon. Complete them immediately and with seriousness to boost your grade. They are due on Friday April 30, in class. NO EXCUSES!

Choose one character from the novel who has a Biblical name. Identify and explain one way the character is similar to their Biblical doppelganger and one way they are entirely different. You are expected to write two paragraphs (six sentences each) for the similarity and two paragraphs (six sentences each) for the difference.
25 points per paragaph

Pilate- Pontius Pilate – John 18-19
Hagar – Genesis 16: 1-23
Solomon - Song of Solomon 1-8
Ruth – Book of Ruth 1-4 Old Testament after the Book of Ecclesiastes
Magdalene – Luke 8: 1-2; Luke 24:1-12
First Corinthians – First Corinthians 7:1-40

Create and design an aesthetically pleasing family tree for the Dead family, starting with Solomon and Ryna all the way up to Milkman. You may draw it and color it or use an electronic version found online. It must include marriages, affairs, births, deaths, and locations (states).

Write a denouement for the book which answers what happens to all the characters, living or dead with the temporal frame of immediately after the leap or up to 10 years later. This must be 4 paragraphs of at least six sentences per paragraph. If you dare, mimic Toni Morrison’s style of writing.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Emmett Louis Till Essay

Use your notes taken on the film to complete one assignment due on Monday, typed or handwritten:
  1. Write a full summary of the details of Till's murder and trial then include a personal response to what you have learned from watching the documentary.
  2. Research the Emmett Till case and find out what has the Supreme Court decided most recently. Write an informative essay telling us about it.
  3. The case exposes the violence of racism as well as the sexual fears that exist between races. Referring to the Emmett Till case and the recent media 'lynching' of Tiger Woods answer the following: Has America's attitude towards race and sex changed in the 55 years since Till's murder?
  4. Many people discuss how such a case has a negative effect on black Americans but what effect do you think it has on white Ame
  5. ricans? What do you think can and should be done to bring about a sense of reconciliation, if possible?
  6. The belief system in white supremacy influences the actions of J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant. Do you think that this belief system is a form of mental dis-ease? Explain why or why not?

All assignment must be a minimum of 4 paragraphs. Treat this assignment with respect!

Use the following links to help you: