Tuesday, March 23, 2010

11th Grade Spring Break Assignment

I. 50 pts.
  1. Complete your reading of Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
  2. For each chapter in Part II:
  • Write a one page summary in a composition notebook
  • Identify new characters and three qualities of each character
  • Ask at least one critical question per chapter of Part II of the text.
  • Write a personal response to the ending, providing your own interpretation and answering why you think Morrison chooses to close the narrative this way
II. 50 pts.
This must be typed, completed with serious thought and include references to the text.
After your reading, complete an Epic Analysis that defines and then identifies the following as they pertain to this specific novel:
  1. in medias ras - what does the novel open in the middle of and why is it significant?
  2. invocation - is there one? who makes it? what is she requesting?
  3. epic hero - who is it? why is he it? what qualities identify him as such?
  4. heroic quest - what is the hero's quest? to whom is it of importance? why?
  5. epic conflict - identify two major conflicts that stand as obstacles to the epic hero's quest.
  6. divine intervention - when does this occur? how does it affect the hero's quest?
  7. antithesis - where are there examples of characters, belief systems, cultures that are antithetical?

Include this cover page with this set of instructions, yours and your parents' signatures by copying and pasting this into a Word Document.

________________________ _____________________________

Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature (5 pts)

I understand the assignment listed above and promise to work to the best of my ability and actively seek out help when needed in order to achieve an 85 or higher as prescribed by the rubric assigned to this paper. Consequently, I understand I risk a failing grade if I do not try, submit my work late and do not include this assignment sheet. .

_________________________ _____________________

Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature (5 pts.)

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