Sam Davis
Mr. Walker
English 1 & 2: Pd. 5
13 October 2010
A Biography of Donald Lawrence: A Guy You Should Know
Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to a dexterous basketball player who has already designed his trademark jersey and sneakers. This Jamaican and Puerto Rican teenager is Donald Martin Lawrence, the son of Maria and Vincent Lawrence. His parents immigrated to the United States over twenty years ago and they have lived in the Bronx , where Donald was born. Although he hesitates to admit it, his cousin, Antonio, is his favorite family member because they are eternally in competition for most layups, phone numbers of the prettiest girls and even who can eat the most sancocho and jerk chicken, his favorite foods.
Similar to most boys his age, Donald says he can’t live without his Xbox 360. This doesn’t get in his way of appreciating his family, which is what he values most in life. To this day Donald still calls “The Lion King” his favorite movie and hopes one day to share it with his children because it’s a classic that taught him many lessons. He admires the career of Denzel Washington because he always picks characters that are inspiring. One thing he believes in is that there’s good in everyone even if they behave insanely or wickedly.
On the other hand, Donald has a poster of Lauren London on his bedroom door because he believes she is the most attractive woman in Hollywood . Given that his favorite season is the summer, maybe he could take her for a picnic in Central Park . But that may have to wait five more years when Donald expects to be considered for a draft pick in the NBA. Playing professional basketball is part of his idea of perfect happiness. The other part is having a house large enough that all of his family could live together and have dinner together all the time, but only if his Aunt Teresa cooks. As small as it sounds, Donald said if there was one thing he could change in the world it would be the amount of hungry people in the world.
Now if you think Donald is a boring guy, wait until you hear about his music and literary tastes. Donald loved the book Of Mice and Men almost as much as he loved Letters to a Young Brother. His iPod is loaded with Eminem, Kanye and Green Day, a rock group he’s been a fan of for two years now. You would think Donald would love to have the talent of rapping or acting but actually he wishes he could cook. He wouldn’t tell the story of what happened when he and his cousin tried last summer. Very few people know that this gregarious young man is quite religious and enjoys going to church regularly.
Finally, Donald believes an optimum friend is one who you can trust to never gossip about you and right now his best friend is his cousin Antonio, who would play him best in a movie. It shouldn’t surprise anyone then that Donald loathes when people gossip and he himself is working on is habit of procrastinating in doing his homework. His motto in life is that you should share your love today because no one knows what might happen tomorrow. I think that’s great advice and I’m glad I got a chance to meet him. I hope you enjoyed hearing about him.
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