Find one classmate you barely know. Politely interview him or her and retrieve answers to the following. Then convert it into an interesting biography of 5 paragraphs or more. Include this sheet, your rough draft of notes and a typed final version for presentation.
1. Your Full Name (First, Middle, Last) …
2. The meaning/story behind your name is…
3. You grew up in …
4. Your birthday is… Your zodiac sign is…
5. Your favorite childhood movie is_________________ because…
6. Your favorite activity outside of class is…
7. Your siblings are…or Your Favorite family member is…
8. One thing you believe in is…
9. One song that moves you is…
10. Two foods you can’t get enough of are…
11. A celebrity you admire or find attractive is…
12. In five years you hope to be…
13. One thing you can brag that you do well is…
14. Your favorite season is…
15. Two books that you enjoyed reading are…
16. One day you hope to visit…
17. One benign thing very few people know about you is…
18. One thing you can’t imagine not having in your life is…
19. If you could change 2 things about the world you would change…
20. A good friend is someone who…
21. One of your greatest fears is…
22. Your idea of perfect happiness is…
23. The person who would play you best in a movie is…
24. One quality/habit you despise in others is… and in yourself is…
25. One living person you greatly admire is…
26. If you died and came back as a person or thing, it would be…
27. The thing you treasure the most in life is…
28. One talent you wish you had is…
29. If you could turn back time you would…
30. Your motto in life is…
Now add any 5 questions of your own!
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